Remote Trackback Proof of Concept

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Well... it's been a productive day! There's only one issue from the last post that I haven't fixed yet, and that's the ability to change your email address in the system. For now this is a minor concern. Everything else has been taken care of. If you click the trackback link on this page, you'll see that custom styles are now available.

There are four different options for styles:
1. Keep the default. It's ugly.
2. You can specify background, text, link, and border colors -- it's easy but not very flexible.
3. Host your own CSS -- you provide the URL of a css file to use.
4. Raw CSS -- you put in the exact CSS code that gets inserted at the top of your page. This offers you maximum flexibility without the hassle of finding a place to stash your CSS file.

Outgoing pings now works as well, and you can delete pings -- so feel free to ping yourself to try it out.

Yes, it's still very, VERY ugly, but my priority has been functionality as opposed to style. If anyone out there wants to design it so it's not so insanely ugly, please shoot me an email.

As always, please send any questions or comments to
Trackback []

Hmmm... July 28th, 2002 to December 20th, 2003. That's a fair bit of a hiatus, isn't it? No worries. There's been a renewed interest in the remote trackback service, so I've picked up development of it again. There's still room for more testers who are actually going to use the service, so if you're interested just head on over to and sign up. Don't mind the design... that's last on the to-do list. I'd rather have functional than pretty at the beginning anyway.

Some things on the agenda for fixing/adding:

:: Email on new pings
:: Ability to change your email addy
:: Ping Management (Delete)
:: Outgoing Pings
:: Custom Style Sheets
:: ...?

If you have requests or suggestions, shoot me an email.
Trackback []
